The Greek Heritage Calendar
& Engagement Book 2003
Homage to Demetrios Bikelas, First President of the
International Olympic Committee and the Olympis Games of 1896

The Greek Heritage Calendar
& Engagement Book 2001
The Everlasting Wisdom of the New Testament

The Greek Heritage Calendar
& Engagement Book 2000
The Everlasting Wisdom of Aesop
Two Stories: The
Bath and Convocation
by Menis Koumantareas (in English Translation), 1990.
Editor, Athan H. Anagnostopoulos.
Four hundred copies of this
book have been printed as a keepsake and presented to the
author on the occasion of his official visit to the United
States in October, 1990.

Dark Fairytales:
The Cut Flowers and Sneakers That Showed No Sign of Growing
Old by George Maniotis (in English Translation), 1990.
General Editor, Athan H. Anagnostopoulos.
24 Rempetika
by Nikos Katsimboulas (in Greek), 1992. Original songs
illustrated with collages by Constantine Arvanites. General
Editor, Athan H. Anagnostopoulos.

Hxoi kai Apohxoi,
by George Chryssis (in Greek), 1993. A collection of poems
written over a span of thirty years
by George Chryssis (in Greek and English translation), 1996.
English translation by Athan H. Anagnostopoulos, with original
drawings by Constantine Arvanites.

Mood Cycles
by Euphosyne Zarifi, 1997. Important moments in the life of
the poet.